2014 — November

And then it was November, and even in the South, cool weather was setting in. I'd gone through two entire seasons with the art journaling challenge, and I felt a contraction happening in my heart.

I wasn't burned out, exactly. And I know now, from working on fiction, that these expansions and contractions are a normal part of the process. It was more like I felt a desire to turn inwards, to see what was within me now, after all this change in real life.

In addition, I moved house in November, and the break I took from the art journal challenge to get this done, unfortunately stretched through the holidays, and then became permanent. The online art journal group also changed its foundational structure in a way that appealed less to me. I'll always be hella glad I took part in it — it changed my life, had huge knock-on effects — but it was time to do a new thing.